Welcome to ICCKE 2014 Website
FUM Conferences

Accepted Papers Presentation

Accepted Papers Presentation help in Farsi

Dear Authors,
Based on the recommendations of the reviewers and the Program Committee, papers results sent email to authors.
Also, corresponding authors can view result in "Your Submitted Paper/s" in website.

Notification of Accepted Papers
Please note that publication of the paper in the Conference proceedings which will be indexed in IEEE Explore is subject to accordance with IEEE Policy (Cross Check Papers for Plagiarism).

In order to have your paper included in the proceedings successfully, the corresponding author must finish the following steps:

1- Carefully revise your paper according to the Reviewers Comments in the attachment and send Final Camera Ready Paper until October 10, 2014.

2- Format your paper according to the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Manuscript at http://iccke.um.ac.ir/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=93

3- Send your presentation files (ppt and flv File) until October 10, 2014. (For more information please visit help page in the Conference website and http://iccke.um.ac.ir/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=92)

4- Complete the procedure of copyright transform online until October 17, 2014 (This form available in October 11, 2014). This process can be initiated from the Conference website and leads to the IEEE copyright wizard and continues back to the Conference website for confirmation. The necessary steps are explained at the "user panel/your submitted paper/IEEE copyright form".

5- Pay your registration fee. For each accepted paper at least one author must register with paper submission fee. Please visit Registration Fee page in the website. No refund request is accepted in any case. http://iccke.um.ac.ir/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=114

6- Present your paper online using account information which will be provided in the upcoming emails.
Only the presented papers are included in the proceedings.

  • Please note accepted papers at the ICCKE Conference, will be presented English language (oral presentation & presentation file).
  • Time duration for presentation is 20 min (15 min oral presentation + 5 min discussion)

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